National Civil War Memorial
National Civil War Memorial
National Civil War Memorial
Panel of Historians
Construction Team
War Memorials
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Panel of Historians

The exterior walls of the Memorial will contain statements by documented civilians relating to the upcoming war and the horrors of life during the struggle. At each column will be an eighteen inch diameter bronze bas-relief portrait of a prominent civilian, selected and considered by historians, to be an important witness of the period. The interior panels will contain four by five foot bronze bas-relief tablets with particular scenes of the war, flanked by the US and CS cypher.

These important battles or events will be selected by historians as representing those happenings that determined the beginnings and outcome of the Civil War. Below the tablets will be listed the event, date and if a battle, and the loss of life. At each column will be an eighteen inch diameter bronze bas-relief portrait of a prominent military figure determined to be instrumental in various aspects of the War.

We have assembled a distinguished group of historians to be on the selection panel. Individuals and events memorialized will be a common consensus of this panel of historians.

Copyright 2025, National Civil War Memorial Commission. All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 3133   Gettysburg, PA   17325   |   717-387-0461   |